EN341 Descender unit.....
Confined Access, Rescue and Evacuation Equipment
EN341 Descender unit.....
EN1496 A+B 50 metre tripod winch.....
Trauma suspension straps – fit to all harnesses.....
Quick and easy method to ascend or descend to a position of safety – weight 6.15kg.....
EN341 Designed tubular webbing Ultra compact and lightweight Weight 1.00kg in combination with 40m of webbing Available .....
EN341 9mm rope or combination For persons up to 150kg Descent rate 1.5m/second Proof tested to 1,200kg Weight 2.95kg Ava.....
Draft 95/501316 Escape and rescue system Steel descender with 11mm nylon kernmantel rope. 60mm scaffold hook SWL 200kg 1.....
VRS RESCUE SYSTEM Alloy pulleys and 11mm kernmantel rope Safe for rescuer SWL 136kg – 1 person only Weight 18kg in.....